The company DE CARDENAS FANS AND SERVICE S.r.l deals with the design, construction and trade of thermo-mechanical and aeraulic equipment, heat exchange and ventilation, also combined, industrial fans and shutters.
Maintenance, repair, performance improvement and after-sales assistance of industrial machinery and in particular of rotating machines, heat exchangers, systems and equipment for the reduction of environmental pollution. Top management believes that the quality of the products and services it provides is the essential element to ensure:
– The full satisfaction of the explicit and implicit needs of its customers
– Competitiveness in the market in which the company operates.
– Maximum protection as regards the liability of the supplier.
The company policy issued by the company management of DE CARDENAS FANS AND SERVICE S.r.l is the fundamental reference for all those who work in the plant. It serves to make people understand what are the principles that inspire every corporate action in order to ensure quality. The dissemination of the Policy to all interested parties takes place through publication on the company website, display on company notice boards and as a component of the preliminary training of new hires and the training of existing staff.
The Policy is reviewed annually by the Management on the occasion of the Review:
– In light of internal audits
– In light of the results of the checks by the competent authorities
– Based on any changes dictated by changing circumstances or new production conditions
– Based on continuous improvement
– Following applicable regulatory updates that involve additional responsibilities or changed conditions of applicability for the company.
The Policy document in the original version and in subsequent revisions must be documented, approved and signed at the bottom of the General Management. It is stored and archived by the Management System Manager.
The document on the following page expresses the Policy that the Company has adopted in terms of quality. It communicates the full will of the Management to pursue the objectives to be achieved having full awareness of the results to be obtained and the responsibilities to be assumed, in relation to the size of the company and the complexity of the activities carried out.
1. Maintain management systems compliant with ISO 9001: 2015 standards, capable of satisfying the requirements and of finding, through the analysis of the data collected, opportunities for improvement (by periodically monitoring process indicators and defining the improvement plan )
2. Involve all staff in training and motivational programs aimed at preventing problems and continuously improving quality
3. compliance with current legislation on training and information.
4. Continuously review corporate commitments to ensure the adequacy of the means and resources to the required quality objectives
5. Ensure that customer requirements are defined and met
6. Measure customer satisfaction
7. Comply with the rules, laws and regulations applicable to products and services
8. Qualify suppliers, creating a highly confident collaboration relationship on the quality of the products purchased
9. Create conditions of objective evidence of quality. The above objectives are pursued through the following activities:
Prevention, control and reduction of undesirable effects:
– identify and analyze the risks associated with the activities carried out for the preparation and supply of goods and services;
– identify and evaluate in advance any new risks regarding changes in activities and plants and the introduction of new processes and / or technologies;
– guarantee the correct application of technologies and production processes and, where possible, pursue the improvement and efficiency of the same, also through the adoption of more advanced technologies from the point of view of safety and health in the workplace, putting adequate human and financial resources are available.
Sharing of the organization’s responsibilities:
– operate through a Management System that favors the creation of a continuous and virtuous process of exchanging information between the various figures working in the company:
– support the involvement and empowerment of staff at all levels, developing their skills also by organizing appropriate training / information opportunities;
Management of relations with the outside world
– maintain a transparent and collaborative relationship with the public authorities and the bodies in charge of control.
Management of production processes
– operate ensuring effectiveness, efficiency and reliability, using all the necessary resources to ensure compliance with the principles of diligence and correctness
– privilege suppliers who act with a view to continually improving the safety of the products and services provided
– operate by reducing the production of waste, the consumption of raw materials, preventing pollution and the risk of accidental events and providing for the disposal of waste in accordance with European legislation.
Periodic review of the Quality Management System
– identify specific company indicators that allow monitoring of the degree of achievement of the objectives
– carry out adequate system audits, by the identified and designated figures, to record the necessary data on specific documents; the data collected are processed in compliance with the regulations in force verify, by the Management, the System Management Manager, the Function Managers, the continuous adequacy of the System and implement, where necessary, the company methods of the System itself.